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 Electronic Reporting System of the Basel Convention (Year: 2016) 
Note to the Focal Point about key updates to the electronic reporting system


1) Revised questionnaire for national reporting

The online questionnaire for reporting for the year 2016 incorporates the revisions to the format for national reporting contained in document UNEP/CHW.12/INF/16/Rev.1 and annexes I and III of document UNEP/CHW.13/9/Add.2/Rev.1. As a result, you will encounter a number of differences between the questionnaire to be used for reporting for the year 2016 and the one for reporting for previous years. 


2) Pre-filling of the questionnaire for the year 2016

To assist you in submitting the national report, the online reporting questionnaire has been pre-filled with the most recent information submitted to the Secretariat when this was considered appropriate. Pre-filling has been done for question 1, questions 3 to 7 and tables 1 to 3. Due to significant revisions to the questionnaire for reporting for 2016, some questions (such as question 2) could not be pre-filled and some of the pre-filled information may no longer be valid.

It is essential that you carefully verify that the information used for pre-filling is still valid and update it as necessary.


3) Importing data on the export (table 4) and import (table 5) of hazardous wastes and other wastes

The online reporting questionnaire provides you with several options for filling in tables 4 and 5.


      One option is for you to import the data into the tables by uploading an Excel file. For the data to be accepted by the ERS, please make sure to use the Excel file template and to follow the validation rules   (both are available for download in the sections corresponding to tables 4 and 5 of the online reporting questionnaire).


4) Submitting the report


     When you are ready to submit the report, please proceed to the last page of the questionnaire and click on the “Submit” button that appears in the menu bar at the top of that page. Note that the system will  issue alerts about any incomplete or invalid answer. The alerts are intended to assist you in reviewing the report and do not prevent its submission.